The FullShop™ App For Coolant Distributors

Gain Valuable Insights Into Your Customers’ Coolant Health

The FullShop™ app serves as a window into your machine shop customers’ coolant trends, empowering you to better collaborate with them to get better results. The app — which enables your customers to collect, view and act on critical coolant parameters — ensures your customers are using coolant properly. It also offers real-time visual notifications and displays trends over time, providing valuable insights into your customers’ coolant behavior and enabling you to better serve them.

Your Benefits

  • Easily collaborate with your machine shop customers and stay in the loop using the app’s automatic reporting capabilities.
  • Stay on top of your customers’ coolant trends with weekly summary emails.
  • Provide your customers with higher-quality service using the accurate coolant usage data.
  • Anticipate your customers’ coolant needs, improving lead times and ensuring reliable delivery.
  • Proactively address any issues related to coolant usage, building trust with your customers.
  • Resonate with environmentally conscious customers, thanks to the app’s ability to improve coolant efficiency and reduce waste.
  • Lower your account servicing costs. FullShop™ gives you the confidence to spend more time selling and less time servicing coolant accounts. Get your customer off ad-hoc processes that risk your coolant revenues.

Referral Affiliate Program

FullShop™ was built with distributors in mind. We recognize the value of local support and account knowledge. If you distribute coolant, please consider distributing our app as a strategic part of your overall coolant offering.

  • Referrals can be done instantly from the FullShop™ app.
  • Simple onboarding process allows us to share revenue for the referral efforts.
  • The app has built-in tools for referral partners.
  • The app handles all transactions — no billing required for partners.


Try the App Today

Ready to deliver a higher-quality, more consistent customer experience? See for yourself what the FullShop™ app can do for you.